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Heather Claire Lupton


“a real find, with charm, acting ability and bucketfuls of vocal charisma.”

Spring Konzert

20 April 2024

Doors open 19:30

Z1 Hauskonzerte

Zionkirschstr 1, Berlin 10119

"Heather Lupton, as a pale and severe-faced Elisabetta, dominated proceedings from the moment she first sailed in, elaborately-costumed, a flagship of state, to declare that a chaste love from Heaven had singled her out - 'Ah! Quando all’ara scorgemi'. She conveyed a harshness which would grow as the opera progressed, but an intimate softness as well, when she dealt with Leicester Lupton had all the ornamentations required by Donizetti well under control, making all of them dramatically significant."

Bach Track 2014

"Heather Lupton, in very baggy green trousers as the boy lutenist Smeton  is a real find, with charm, acting ability and bucketfuls of vocal charisma. When she is in the queen’s bedchamber, revealing the fact that she dare not speak to her, smelling the perfumed sheets and clutching a pillow, she is simply brilliant. "

Bach Track 2012

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